Admiral's 3D Models

A collection of 3D models created by Admiral Potato, which you can actually rotate and view in your browser in realtime 3D.

This is a collection of 3D models created by Admiral in his spare time, because he has always had a fascination with videogames and virtual dimensional representation of different artistic ideas. Typically, Admiral's best models are formed as the result of collaboration with other Artists. Admiral wishes to send a big thanks out to those who inspire and work with him on these pieces!

About the technologies used to create and the models:

Admiral uses Blender 3D to create the meshes of the models. Occasionally he'll break out Photoshop on the texmap of one of the models for certain fine-tuning tasks, but the majority of the work of creating the texmaps is done in Blender as well. The models are exported from Blender and saved in COLLADA format for display on the web. For the viewer that is used to display the models and allow users to rotate them interactively in 3D on the web, Admiral uses a custom viewer that he developed using Adobe Flash, ActionScript 3 and the Open Source Papervision3D framework.